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Monday, April 5, 2010


Being sixteen years old I often wonder who I will become. A doctor like my mom, a lawyer, an engineer like my father, or something that I've yet to think about. There are only a few things that I'm certain.

One, I am the spiting imagine of my mother. My earliest childhood memories are of people gawking over how much my mom and I look alike. We always have been twins. I have inherited very obvious qualities from my father as well. I am the spitting image of both my parents. I find comfort in this fact because I love them both with all my heart. They are very wonderful people to know and I am beyond lucky to be their daughter.

Back to my earlier question, who am I going to be? It's obvious that our parents have an impact on who we will be. Things like how we are raised, and are influences have much to do with this. I draw my strength and ambition from my parents. They give my courage and hope. And I know that they will support who ever it is that I decide to become.

The second thing that I know in my heart to be true is that God created me with a real purpose. There is a reason that I am here. God also created me in his own image. You know how I know?? Well it says right here,

Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

So just as strangers on the street comment on how my mother and I have the same eyes, I know that I share just as many possible qualities with God himself. For instance, the ability to love the ability to heal, to minister, to forgive, to do so many amazing things that I haven't even discovered yet.

The only difference between the qualities that I've inherited through my Earthly parents and my heavenly father is that, I have to reach in to my heart and find the qualities God placed in me. I have to realize that I have everything I would ever need built right in my heart, I have to believe in the gifts God gave me. All I have to do, is reach out and take them. My God put them in me for a reason. He gave me all the potential in the world I just have to realize it. My God knew this world he was sending me to was crazy, but he didn't send me unarmed. I can do whatever my imagination comes up with. My limit is the stars only because the moon isn't high enough. I trust in myself but more importantly I trust in my Father.

Matthew 19:26 Jesus said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Don't take these verses lightly my friends. You are great. You are Gods children.

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